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État des lieux
Voici la version européenne du LAVIA
This new film from ETSC makes the case for making overridable Intelligent Speed Assistance a standard feature on all new vehicles in Europe. The five-minute video has been launched as the European Commission continues work on the development of the next generation of vehicle safety standards, expected to be launched later this year.
vidéo de ETSC: Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA)
Experts underline importance of Seatbelt Reminder Systems in new video
To find out more, go to www.etsc.eu/isa.
The experts featured in the video are:
Oliver Carsten, Professor of Transport Safety, University of Leeds
Aled Williams, Programme Manager, EuroNCAP
Dr Áine Carroll, National Rehabilitation Hospital, Dublin
Ellen Townsend, Policy Director, ETSC
Koen Ricour, TISPOL – The European Traffic Police Network
Financial support from:
Safer Roads Foundation
Flemish Government
Fundación MAPFRE
With grateful thanks to:
Ford UK
National Rehabilitation Hospital, Dublin
University of Leeds
État des lieux